Oso Cool In My Jeans (Diesel) The Paint behind the APHBANZ logo
Diesel is by Its All In My Jeans APHA (All Time Fancy) and out of Knk Sheeza Cool Skip QH (Imp Australia)
Diesel was the first NZ foal from Its All In My Jeans (USA). He was everything in looks that I had asked for, a black overo, splash 1 who also was homozygous for W20 with straight conformation and a lovely, solid body. A colt having 3 different white genes meant he would produce a higher percentage of coloured foals. Diesel was always very quiet and spent his time observing on the edge of his group rather than being in the middle of creating the drama, he was showing a great personality for a future stallion.
As a weanling Diesel developed a kink in his large intestine and needed surgery. I was told that this could reoccur during his lifetime. Diesel grew well, maintaining both his lovely quiet temperament and his well put together conformation. He was the future of my stud and I couldn’t wait for him to put some foals on the ground.A couple of months before Diesel's 3rd birthday and just before he was about to serve his first mare, I found Diesel dead in his paddock, I assume it was another colic attack. Just like that Diesel and my stud plans were gone. Diesel didn’t get to achieve much in his life but he taught me everything to look for in a stallion.
Diesel was, for me, the perfect example of a Paint stallion, he brought new bloodlines to New Zealand Paints. He was drama free and easy to do anything with. Diesel had lovely conformation with the Quarter Horse build we all look for in our Paints and he had the colour on the top. I was asked by an APHBANZ committee member if I would consider letting Diesel be the ‘Poster Boy’ for our new Association. Oso Cool In My Jeans leading the way for our future?...that would be Oso Cool.
Sue Marryatt