New Horse Registration
Change of Ownership
Stallion Listing Application
This applies for both APHBANZ and non APHBANZ Stallions
Stallion Classification
For the Stallions who have not previously been upgraded for breeding with another association. If your stallion has previously been classified for breeding, please use ‘Stallion Listing’ form only
Vet Certificate
For Stallions that have not previously been upgraded for breeding
Frozen Semen Permit
Theres no charge for this. For Stallions who are since deceased we will look at DNA and genetic health results on an individual basis
Stallion Breeding Return
For those who filed that last year with PHANZ please provide a copy of PHANZ submission and no charges will be due
Mare Enrolment
This is for non APBHANZ (Tb & Qh) to be enrolled for breeding, this is a one off (even if the mare changes owners at a later date). It needs to be done prior to registration with APHBANZ of her first foal
Massey Submission
This is the submission form for Massey infogenes for DNA and PV testing. Please send to the Secretary and they will send off in batches of 25 to Massey to receive the discount
Horse Re-Registration
For horses already registered with another association
Lease Agreement
For APHBANZ registered horses only